Laravel UploadThing

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withExponentialBackoff()  : the
The function `withExponentialBackoff` retries a given callback function with an increasing delay between retries, up to a maximum number of retries and maximum delay time.



The function `withExponentialBackoff` retries a given callback function with an increasing delay between retries, up to a maximum number of retries and maximum delay time.

public static withExponentialBackoff(callable $cb[, int $maxRetries = 5 ][, int $maxMs = 64 * 1000 ][, int $baseMs = 250 ]) : the

NOTE: Please return a non-empty value from the callback function or the function will continue to retry until it reaches the maximum number of retries.

$cb : callable

The cb parameter is a callable function or method that will be executed within the withExponentialBackoff function. It is the code that you want to retry with exponential backoff.

$maxRetries : int = 5

The maxRetries parameter specifies the maximum number of times the callback function will be retried before giving up.

$maxMs : int = 64 * 1000

The maxMs parameter represents the maximum backoff time in milliseconds. It determines the maximum amount of time to wait between retries. In the provided code, the maxMs value is set to 64 * 1000, which means the maximum backoff time is 64 seconds.

$baseMs : int = 250

The baseMs parameter represents the initial delay in milliseconds before the first retry attempt.

Return values

result of the callback function.

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